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- Always Natural and Fresh -

Mums ir būtiski, lai pārtika ko lietojam ikdienas uzturā būtu svaiga un uzturvielām bagāta.

Vairāk kā puse Latvijas iedzīvotāju šodien saskaras ar izdegšanu, un gandrīz divas trešdaļas ar lieko svaru un aptaukošanos. Mazkustīgumu pie malas - liela daļa šī negatīvā nopelna ir rūpnieciski pārstrādātas pārtikas lietošanai ilgtermiņā!

Tāda pārtika ir pilna ar sāli un cukuriem, satur palmu taukus vai eļļu, visādus emulgatorus, stabilizētājus, recinātājus un citus ķīmiskos savienojumus. Mūsu organisms nav tam radīts!

Taču vairāk par visu mums rūp bērnu pilnvērtīga augšana un attīstība – gan fiziskā, gan mentālā. Mūsu gatavotie produkti satur augstākās kvalitātes izejvielas, 100% dabīgu produktu sastāvu, fantastiskas diētiskās īpašības un paaugstinātu uzturvērtību.

Visas organismam nepieciešamās uzturvielas – vitamīni, antioksidanti, minerālvielas un šķiedrvielas, var netraucēti uzsūkties ēdāja organismā!

- Different Approach for Food -

Traditional colored pasta contains 1.5-3% vegetable powders and 1.5-3% vegetable powders and has NO nutritional value. And it is not enough to eat only flour with water. Today's food should work for us, and we should strive for something other than cheaper (and chemically loaded) products. We help you be the best version of yourself. With food through your gut, then to your mind and body, and into your reality!

  • A Healthy Alternative

    By eating our fresh pasta with vegetables as well as Power pasta, you will take in additional vitamins and antioxidants for well-being and strengthening the body's immune system.

  • Easy and Fast Cooking

    Our pasta is ready in up to 2 minutes, the same as blanching vegetables. But speaking of pasta - when it is cooked, all the valuable nutrients from the vegetables will be preserved.

  • Contains Beneficial Nutrients

    We dry the pasta for a specific time to obtain two important and valuable properties - to save time on food preparation and to give the food more beneficial nutrients.

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- Find Us At Your Local Stores -

Order here or find our products in these stores

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Questions We Sometimes Get From Our Customers...

What is the shelf life of fresh pasta?

If stored in the refrigerator, it is suitable for 30 days and in the freezer for six months.

Does freezing change the product's properties and cooking time?

When frozen, the product loses up to 5% of its nutritional value. It does not affect the cooking time - still up to 2 minutes.

How is fresh pasta different from traditional pasta?

Fresh pasta still needs to be thoroughly dried. It is mixed and can, therefore, also be prepared quickly, saving time on food preparation. In addition, the composition of our fresh paste is 40% vegetables and fruits. Being fresh, it retains the nutrients contained in the vegetables.

Are the nutrients of the vegetables lost when making fresh pasta?

The short cooking time is the same as blanching vegetables. In the case of fresh pasta, the pasta will cook and the nutrients in the vegetables will remain.

- Fresh Pasta or Ready To Eat Meals -

Pick your favourite flavours and order now. Choose meals over 30€‎ and get a free shipping.

- Our Journal -

Currently available only in Latvian...

  • Jauns gads, jauns es?

    Jauns gads, jauns es?

    Sākoties jaunajam gadam, daudzi no mums izvirza sev jaunus mērķus un dažādas apņemšanās, lai uzlabotu savu dzīvi un kļūtu par labākajām sevis versijām. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties vairāk vingrot,...

    Jauns gads, jauns es?

    Sākoties jaunajam gadam, daudzi no mums izvirza sev jaunus mērķus un dažādas apņemšanās, lai uzlabotu savu dzīvi un kļūtu par labākajām sevis versijām. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties vairāk vingrot,...

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    Harmonija. Kā stiprināt savu saikni ar dabu/Vis...

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    Harmonija. Kā stiprināt savu saikni ar dabu/Vis...

    Mēs esam radīti, lai dzīvotu, nevis skrietu kā žurkas ritenī. Lai dzīvotu pilnvērtīgu, skaistu, laimīgu dzīvi. Lai baudītu dabu, sulīgus augļus un dārzeņus, svaigu pārtiku. Lai mīlētu sevi un citus....

  • The most underrated and unrecognized nutrient - Beta-glucan

    The most underrated and unrecognized nutrient -...

    Beta-glucans are most commonly found in oats, barley, and certain types of mushrooms.Promote weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing the amount of food consumed. Barley is a good source...

    The most underrated and unrecognized nutrient -...

    Beta-glucans are most commonly found in oats, barley, and certain types of mushrooms.Promote weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing the amount of food consumed. Barley is a good source...

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