- Natural - Ready to Eat Meals -

Quick-to-heat meals that saves time (and electricity/gas expenses) and gives more energy than industrially produced semi-finished products. Excellent dietary values -a high-quality source of proteins, iron, zinc, vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

Our Way of Thinking About Your Time

These meals are especially suitable for people with a busy daily scheduleparents with children and office jobs, and physical workers to get more energy (mental and physical). Also these meals are recommended for people who need to follow specific diets, including sportsmen and athletes, as well as weight watchers and those who want to reduce their body weight.

Cooking Process: Heat in a pot, on a pan, or in the microwave. Even a first-grader can do it! 

Allergens: Wheat flour

  • Contains Beneficial Nutrients

    By eating our freshly made meals with vegetables, you will take in additional vitamins and antioxidants for well-being and strengthening the body's immune system.

  • Easy and Fast Cooking

    Our meals are ready in up to 2 minutes; throw them on a pan, in the microwave, or whatever you have; if even a seven-year-old can do it, you can too.

  • A Healthy Alternative

    Skip fast food or ordering unhealthy foods. This is your time to pick the healthiest and most nutritious meal without losing the delicious taste in our food.

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