The story of creating PastaHouse

Arno, a cook with eight years of experience in the kitchen of Latvia's best restaurants. Suddenly, a single father with a lovely daughter. Elsa, Arno's daughter is happy to say that she's the original initiator of the Color Pasta products. 

How Pasta House Started

Like every person in Latvia and the world, we are busy with our jobs, interests, and hobbies. And there has never been a day when there was enough time to do everything that I wanted to do during the day and still spend time together!

When we encounter a lack of time and energy in our everyday life, I realized that products that help and are healthy are in the minority. So we decided to create a solution, and since then - life has been brighter and more positive. As a result, we have a much better feeling of well-being and a more incredible deal of energy. 

Our heart is to help others get more time and energy in their daily lives without significantly changing habits. That's why we're building a community where now over 2'000 members that are interested in elevating their healthy lifestyle.

Save Time with Tasty Food

Your advantages of consuming fresh pasta

Feel better, think better, make better decisions, have faster information processing, better memory, and better relationships with colleagues and family members. More time, more energy, better feeling, better health. This is the choice of conscious people.

Try Our Pasta Here